
  • Frogs & Toads

    If you want an interesting change of pace or simply don't have the right environment for a dog or cat, a frog or toad might make the perfect companion for you. First, however, you need to acquaint yourself with these fascinating creatures and their requirements. Frogs Versus Toads: What's the Difference? Toads

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  • Newts

    Are you considering getting a pet newt? Newts may not be the most obvious choice for a pet, but as many veterinarians can tell you, newts are the smart pet choice for a variety of compelling reasons. Newts are sentient creatures; that is, they are self-aware and capable of forming bonds with humans.

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  • Salamanders

    Salamanders make great pets. They’re ideal for apartment residents because they’re quiet. They don’t take up a lot of room because they’re small. They don’t need a background to run around like a dog. They don’t require a lot of personal attention, so they’re also perfect for busy working

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